Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Unofficial Start

The old unofficial start of the summer came and went over the weekend. Like many I left the big city to get some R&R out among the lakes, trees, and country side. Ms. R and I headed a few hours west and north of the cities after the team workout on Saturday morning. It was good to get out of the city for a few days. We spent a good amount of our time cleaning and getting the cabin ready for another summer for the families to visit. Ms. R’s parents never seemed to slow down the entire weekend. Always finding something else to clean or work on. Of course that was after the major items like mowing the lawn and putting the dock/lift into the water. It was a good thing that we had our wetsuits along because that water was still a little chilly. Warm enough to do a little open water swimming if we would have had time. Ms. R used some of the weekend to catch up on sleep with a couple long afternoon naps. I had a couple short ones, but nothing like hers.

It’s funny how time wasn’t measured by hours while we were there, but time was tracked by meals. You’d get up and do some work, eat, do some more work, eat, and then most activities. For a couple of days eating dinner at 9:00 pm was fine as we used all the daylight to the best of our advantage. Time of day, governed by our stomach…I guess that’s the way it really should be anyway.

In the end it was a great weekend and we had a lot of fun. It was great to get away from the city and the busy life that we live if only just for a few days.

Friday, May 18, 2007


It was a hard commodity to come by this week. TNT occupied the first three night of my week and it kind of set the stage for long days and short nights. The problem really isn’t the time spent at these activates, but the lack of time at home afterwards. For me it’s been really hard to get back between 9-10 pm and then go right to bed. I’m the type of person who needs that down time before I can even think about falling asleep. I need a couple hours at home doing stuff or chilling out before my body and mind is ready for sleep. Anyway the low sleep count led to a low workout count this week. Hopefully this weekend will offer some recovery and I can get back into the groove next week. I suppose it doesn’t help that Ms. R and I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. Maybe in September we’ll actually have some time to relax every once in a while. This being busy 24/7 is getting a little old. :)

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

James…Michael James

I am a big enough dork that I did use the above phrase a couple of times at the James Bond Adult Prom on Saturday night. Hopefully I can shorten up a few groans by stating that I only said it 3 or 4 times and most of those were to Ms. R. Overall it was a really fun event and hopefully it raised a lot money for the LLS. People really got dressed up for the event and SafetyBob even pulled off the white jacket tux as the best James Bond look of the night. There was also the orange tux from Dumb & Dumber that was quite entertaining. They even had a photo guy to take your picture as if it was a real prom and a live band to top things off. Two honored patients were crowned the Prom King and Queen. There was a little height difference since the queen was maybe four years old, but even she was decked out in a gold dress with matching shoes.

Toward the end of the night they announced the silence auction winners which earlier caused a scramble as bidders tried to out bid each other. After which they called off the winning raffle ticket for the raffle and guess who won? Woohoo! my number was called. I was lucky because no one claimed the first number. After Steve introduced me I heard from the crowd, “I read his blog.” A few minutes later I got to meet the awesome IronJenny. We talked for a bit and it was a great way to end the event.

After the event our crew went on to a local bar to listen to more live music before calling it a night. All in all it was a great night and a highlight of the weekend.

Rocking the cummerbund James Bond style

Friday, May 04, 2007

Wild Times

Big happenings are taking place out in Cali this weekend at the event known as Wildflower. There are several people from the Tri-Geek clan traveling in a big RV to take in all that the weekend has in store. Both that Kahuna and TaconiteBoy have already made posts with pictures of the crew. (Robo, Ironjenny, Tac, Trimama, and many others) Good luck to all the racers, but I wanted to do a special shout out to TaconiteBoy who will be doing his first half-iron and Nic who will be doing her first triathlon. Hopefully this will be the first of many tris for Nic. Woohoo!

In Twin Cities news TNT alumni and fellow triathlon guru Steve G. is in the running for the LLS Man & Women of the Year for the MN chapter. Next weekend he is hosting an adult prom as one of his big fundraisers. (May 12th) If you are in the TC area you really should think about coming. It’s going to be a great time. The theme of the event is “The Spy Who Loved Me Adult Prom.” There is a link to register for the event. Over half the cost is tax deductible so let’s help Steve raise funds for the LLS.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Zoneout

For those who find themselves with a busy schedule, say you are training for the Ironman or something along those lines. Maybe you are just a busy person in general and never seem to have any down time. Either case there is a fundamental skill that is necessary for survival. This skill is known as the Zoneout. There are a few required items to perform the zoneout properly. See the image below for said required items…
Once you have obtained those items it is recommended to remove all other humans from your immediate presence. If necessary place all required items in a basement or garage. Now the idea behind the zoneout is that you are conscious at all times, yet diminish the use of ones brain power. This activity or actually inactivity should be done for 2-3 hours biweekly, but weekly is even better. For best results perform the 2-3 hour zoneout in one sitting. Personally the best zoneouts are when the viewing includes such shows as Man vs. Wild and The Deadliest Catch.

Blogland…What’s your idea zoneout?