Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Unofficial Start

The old unofficial start of the summer came and went over the weekend. Like many I left the big city to get some R&R out among the lakes, trees, and country side. Ms. R and I headed a few hours west and north of the cities after the team workout on Saturday morning. It was good to get out of the city for a few days. We spent a good amount of our time cleaning and getting the cabin ready for another summer for the families to visit. Ms. R’s parents never seemed to slow down the entire weekend. Always finding something else to clean or work on. Of course that was after the major items like mowing the lawn and putting the dock/lift into the water. It was a good thing that we had our wetsuits along because that water was still a little chilly. Warm enough to do a little open water swimming if we would have had time. Ms. R used some of the weekend to catch up on sleep with a couple long afternoon naps. I had a couple short ones, but nothing like hers.

It’s funny how time wasn’t measured by hours while we were there, but time was tracked by meals. You’d get up and do some work, eat, do some more work, eat, and then most activities. For a couple of days eating dinner at 9:00 pm was fine as we used all the daylight to the best of our advantage. Time of day, governed by our stomach…I guess that’s the way it really should be anyway.

In the end it was a great weekend and we had a lot of fun. It was great to get away from the city and the busy life that we live if only just for a few days.


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