Monday, April 23, 2007

Wear and Tear

The last few weeks have been ridiculously busy. So busy that they days and weeks have all just started to blend in. This is really not a good thing. In that span there have been a number of roller coasters to ride the highs and lows of my multiple facet life. This of course leads to the typical too much to do in too little time syndrome that many of us are famous for. All of it was starting to wear me down a bit. The true indication of this was the napping that occurred this weekend. Both days this weekend included naps which is basically a world record for me. I have mentioned before my inability to nap but the body and mind were having none of that this weekend. They blew the whistle and signaled T, T..for a couple hours each day. If only I could fall asleep on demand. Hmmm…maybe all this extra stuff going on will have a positive change on my napping abilities. Total scoreage...

So maybe, just maybe I haven’t been getting the rest that I need as of late. That’s going to be a major goal this week. Which should hopefully help right the ship a bit. Besides the ups and downs thing are progressing which is good. Unfortunately things like blogs and emails have fallen by the waste side a bit, but hopefully that can be rectified as well.

In other news Ms. R picked up a hot new ride a few weekends past. What a sweet looking ride, check it out.
When do I get a new bike? (Insert: temper tantrum of 28 year old male, supposedly all grown up)

Hope all is well! Later…


Blogger E-Speed said...

naps are the best! I hope you find the time to get some rest this week!

7:17 AM  
Blogger Trisaratops said...

That bike is HAWT! So jealous.

8:58 AM  
Blogger MNFirefly said...

Nice bike!!

4:48 PM  

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