Thursday, July 20, 2006

One Month

One month, 31 Day, 744 Hours, ect, ect. The final countdown towards Pigman has begun and there’s not a lot of time left. With Lifetime over and done with my A race is just on the horizon. I’d like to say that I feel very confident about where I’m at but I’m not there yet. There is plenty of training that has to take place before the big event. I know that I didn’t get in nearly enough training over the last couple of months. I ended up making TNT a bigger priority then I originally thought I would, but it was worth it. Yes I might not do as well during the ½ Ironman as I’d like to, but I know that I will finish and sometimes that has to be enough. The next few weeks will be pretty nerve racking, but that’s the norm and it’s my turn to be nervous about a race instead of being nervous for someone else. Come Aug. 20th, with any luck, I will complete the hardest event that I’ve ever undertaken. I won’t be lightening fast, but I should be able to manage better then a snail’s pace. Until then it will be nose to the grindstone and battling the nerves that will come as time ticks away. One month…who knew it would all go by so fast?

Ok enough of the nervous writing/venting. Yesterday Mother Nature once again pulled my chain. After some strong storms and dark clouds rolled through most of the day I cancelled the ride that I was planning on doing. Even as I drove home it was still raining in spots and looking dark. About a ½ hour later I look out the window and what do I see the sun. frickidy frick Yes it was poking through some clouds. I’m like great this would have been perfect for a ride. As to not waste the improving weather I slipped on the Asics and headed out for a run. After racing over the weekend and running the day before I wasn’t sure how the legs were going to respond. 7 miles later I was still going strong as I finally made my way home. I was pretty impressed that the legs held up so well and continued to turn out a good stride the entire time.

This morning I was up early to get in something of a ride before work. The streets were empty as I made my way through the cool air. I haven’t ridden in the morning for quite some time and I forgot how nippy it can be. Luckily after a few miles I had warmed up and hammered on the pedals as best I could. After the run the night before my legs were a little heavy, but they didn’t complain too much. With the time crunch I was out for just under and hour, but it felt good to get the legs moving again. They’ll have a day or two off before their next tour so they should be ready to grind out some long miles this weekend.

For those who were interested below is the Tritini recipe that Bridget, Jaime, and Jackie came up with. I didn’t get to sample it myself, but I heard good things. If nothing else the name kicks a$$. Have a good one folks…

1.5 oz vodka
2 oz black cherry juice
A couple splashes of lime juice
Garnish with a lime


Blogger Julia said...

Great to hear that you survived the super hot themps for the Lifetime race and did a great job. The weather these past couple of days have been crazy and hard to get a run in. You'll be fine at the Pigman race.
Have a good one!

7:36 PM  
Blogger KT said...

I didn't even know you could buy cherry juice. Hmm.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Nic said...

Way to end a post with a nice alcoholic beverage recipe! I'd say that's a great way to kick off you final month. I mean, you're going to be tapering soon, right? What's a bev every now and then?

11:08 PM  
Blogger Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! You will do great in the 1/2 IronMan!

8:40 AM  

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