Friday, October 27, 2006

Chicago Post Race

Crossing the finish line at Chicago was pretty sweet and a big relief. My last big race of the year was over and it was time to relax a bit. After collecting my gear bag I was off to the meet-up area to wait for the rest of my crew. I did have a long wait but it was broken up by a quick stop by TriSaraTops as she was leaving the race site. It was great to see her again if only for a couple of minutes.

TriSaraTops and I

After a couple of hours of standing out in the cold the crew was assembled and we make our way back to the hotel. I don’t think I’ve had a shower feel so good. I could have been in that thing for hours and not even blinked. I might have come out looking like a shriveled prune, but it would have worth it. Once we had all showered it was off to PF Chang’s for some much needed nutrition. I highly recommend the lemon pepper shrimp. It was goooooood!

With food in our bellies we walked the half block back to the hotel to lounge around until we decided on the next course of action. This would finally entail heading down the block to the Rock Bottom Brewery for a little blog meet-up. I had missed the big blog meet-up that Jawhawk put together, but Mouse, e-speed, and Running Rabbit made the trek and we partied it up for a couple hours. The booze was flowing a bit with beer, wine, shots, and of course long islands ordered. It was fun hanging out with everyone even though the runners were pretty tired. Finally it was time to say good-bye and we headed back to the hotel for some much deserved rest. All in all it was a great race and a great trip. I leave you know with some pictures from the weekend.

Take care…


My Travel Crew
(Patty, Becca, Sara, and Sherry)

Building in GreekTown

Bottoms Up
(Sherry, Patty, Rabbit, Becca, E-Speed, and I)

E and Mouse

Mouse and I (after a couple LIs)

E and I


Blogger E-Speed said...

awwe awesome photos! I love the building with 26.2!

2:12 PM  
Blogger Trisaratops said...

Looks like FUN! Too bad I had to sit in Midway and NOT get on my plane since it was DELAYED! Argggggg.....would have much rather thrown a few captain and cokes back. :)

One of these days I gotta make it out to Twin Cities. I want to visit SLS up there--maybe that marathon you peeps have?

5:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooohhhhh.. fun pics!!! you all know how to do it up right! :)

8:06 PM  
Blogger Nic said...


I wish I could have been there.

Good times, good times.

8:19 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

Great job and great report! And how awesome to have a preferred start!

Way to go and congratulations on your first marathon!

8:14 AM  

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