Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Origin of Walchka

Kels posted a question over the weekend and here’s the response to; why Walchka? Walchka is a play on my last name and it’s a nickname that I’ve had since high school. The inception of walchka was first spoken by a guy on my soccer team who like many called my by my last name, but ended it with a hard K sound. I’m not sure why NN did this, but it caught on. It soon evolved to having a KA at the end and I’ve had the name ever since. It has been used so much by my friends that there was actually a time where someone thought my real last name was Walchka. I thought this was pretty hilarious and just went to show how much the name was being used. Plus when you’re not the only Mike in the group most people use a last name or nickname anyway. It just makes this easier. Well that’s the story behind Walchka. Thanks for the question Kels.

Keep em coming folks. Maybe I’ll have to bust out the 5 question deal that was going around way back when...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooohhh,,,i liked that question.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Trisaratops said...

I was trying to figure that one out myself!

I am formerly known as "Arcs," which is a play on "Arkarow," which is a play on my maiden name. I have some friends that refuse to call me anything but Arcs. Funny, since my students now only know me as "Zim."

Gotta love it....

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the same problem. People would literately butcher my maiden name in H.S. It was HORRIBLE.

2:39 PM  

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