Monday, March 13, 2006


Last night I returned from Duluth where I spent the weekend visiting my little brother. It was a fun weekend, but it defiantly left me feeling a little old. Maybe because it’s been a while since I’ve actually partied for an entire weekend or at least tried to keep up with the young bucks.

Friday we went out to a local bar and played pool the entire night. My brother and I partnered up and won all but three games that we played. Towards the end it was getting a little rough with the alcohol setting it. Saturday we skied for a few hours. It was really warm out which left the snow pretty sticky. This was the first time that I’ve actually skied in MN for a number of years. I usually just go do CO to ski because the hills here are pretty pathetic. Saturday was a nice reminder of how small the places are here in MN.

One of the highlights of the trip was the band that was playing at the bar Saturday night. The band was named Hairball and they put on one hell of a show. They are a 80/90’s rock cover band. Now the selling point is that for each band that they cover the lead singer, which they have a couple, comes out dressed like the lead singer of the band they are playing. So these guys were is full costume for every band they covered. This included; ZZ top, Poison, Motley Crue, Billy Idol, AC/DC, and even Ozzy Osbourne. They really put on a great show and the crowd was really into it.

Sunday morning everyone was recovering from the night before. We hit up a little mom/pop shop for some good greasy breakfast. It was so good, yet so bad for you, but perfect morning after drinking food. After washing some clothes and saying good-bye to the runt it was back in the car for the 2-hour drive back to the cities. It was nice to get out of the cities for the weekend to relax and have a good time. The only strange part about visiting my brother was that, like myself, a lot of people call me/him by just our last name. It took a little while not to respond or look every time I heard my last name.

Now to back to the real world, including the 6 inches of snow that fell last night. The conditions are still pretty bad right now with the snow still falling and starting to blow. Oh well at least it makes for an interesting Monday…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too spent portions of the weekend imbibing with my little brother and his friends. Oh. My. I'm out of practice. But yes, fun times. Sounds like you had an excellent time yourself.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Nic said...

You will not believe what happened in the Bay Area when I was in Denver...

It snowed.

Like, an entire inch, in some parts. They shut down some roads. Pretty funny.

Glad you had a nice weekend with the little bro. I'm sure you got in a killer swim, ride, and run after greasy breakfast, right? ;)

5:34 PM  

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