I blinked and my weekend was over. One minute I’m finishing up my work on Friday afternoon and the next instance it’s Monday morning and I’m back at work. So here in blitzkrieg like fashion is my weekend recap.
Friday after work I drove down to my hometown to visit the fam. My brother and sister-in-law were in town to show off the latest addition to the clan. Of course when I arrived no one was there so I got dinner started while the fam trickled it. We had a nice visit and my new nephew is a cute little baby.
The visit was cut short when I had to leave to return to the cities. With a 20 mile run in the morning I needed to be back at a decent time. On the drive home I contacted the infamous
Mouse who had arrived in the Twin Cities for the Minnesota vs. Michigan football game. By all account she was having a ball and enjoying her stay.
Saturday morning and it was time for my 20 miler. I wasn’t looking forward to this run at all, but it was my last long run before Chicago. I decided on a 10 mile route to loop twice. My first loop was conservative and slow, but I was feeling good. I made a quick stop at by car for some sports beans and to restock my Gu supply. I felt good starting the 2nd loop and I picked up my pace. Up until the 2.5 hour mark I was feeling really good, but all good things come to an end. Things didn’t take that big of a nose dive, but my legs were starting to rebel and spasm. I slowed down a bit over the last couple of miles to keep from cramping. It worked and finished just back to 3 hour mark. I knew I had pushed the 2nd loop and was shocked and excited when I saw that I negative split the 2nd half by almost a minute per mile. I was stocked even with the knowledge that my body would get me back in only a matter of hours.
After my long run it was back home for a little rest before I had to leave again to meet up with
Mouse and her crew for some tailgating action. Now this was the first time
Mouse and I had met so all bets were off. I was quick to learn that she’s just like she is on her blog and we had a great time. We partied it up with the other tailgaters until the game started. Drinking some whap like concoction called Hopskipity. (spelling?)
Mouse was decked out in full on Michigan clothes complete with blue mascara. It was a blast!
After the game we met up again for a few drinks. Due to the outcome the first round was on me and I treated Mouse and her crew round of Tequila shots. (Mouse’s favorite btw…hehe) Then it was off to another bar for a bit before finally calling it a night.
Sunday morning I’m up for the Twin Cities Marathon. I cheer the runners on for a bit before heading back downtown for the Twins game. I was meeting my little bro and his friends for the last game of the regular season. A few beers later and the Twins had one and clinched the division with Detroit (or the D, according to mouse) losing. I was suppose to go out again after the game for a TNT function, but I went home and crashed.
So yeah there’s my weekend that was over in a heartbeat. It was a good time though and meeting up with
Mouse was a blast on Saturday. Don't worry
Mouse I won't tell everyone that you were amazed by the Twin Cities and wondering why you are still living in the big D. :)
Ok I need to catch my breath. I’ll catch you on the flip side…