Sunday, January 22, 2006

Weekend in Review

It was a fairly busy weekend on both the training and social side of things. Friday night started with going to see the Chronicles of Narnia. I thought they did a pretty good job with this flick. Given its been years since I’d read the book, but from what I can remember they seemed to stay pretty close to the story line. It was an entertaining and enjoyable movie all around. Though more violent then I thought so maybe not one for the very young children. After the movie I met a few buddies in downtown Minneapolis. It had been awhile since I’d been downtown so it was nice to just chill out at a couple bars for the remainder of the evening.

The remainder of the weekend was full of odds and ends. Saturday started with breakfast with some friends and then I headed to the pool to grind out some laps. I swim went fairly well with the main set being a ladder from 50 to 200 and then back down for 1000. I even managed to get in a few flip-turns while I was cooling down. It’s gonna take awhile but I’ll get it down one of these days. Or at least look like I kind of know what I’m doing. Saturday night my roommate and I headed to the Barn to watch the Minnesota men’s basketball team play Michigan. It was fun to watch the game live, but not that impressive of a game overall. Neither team is really great and Michigan ended up winning by a good margin. Which I’m sure made Mouse happy. :)

Sunday brought more fun things like grocery shopping and laundry. After it was clear the Steelers were going to win I headed out for my run. It was a bit windy today so the wind-chill was down in the single digits, but I managed a nice 7 mile run. Again I had to remind myself to go slow which wasn’t helped by the dropping temps. All in all it was a good run and I was able to keep things at a nice “base” pace.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day in the training department. The thought is to make Mondays a hard training day with a swim in the morning and then a spin class at night. I'm not sure how the body is going to react to this, but it should be interesting. I hope you all had a good weekend and that the beginning of another week isn't too harsh on the system...


Blogger ShoreTurtle said...

I read that it was Michigan's first win in at the barn in 13 years! We'll take it.

6:27 AM  
Blogger mouse said...


I saw the last quarter out at the bar with some friends. I was happy to see we had won, but yeah, what you said (about neither team being really great). Is it too early to start trash talking about next year's football game? because I'm already excited for it (mpls ju has offered to find tickets for the entire crazychica clan, so it should be a good time).

there's too much to comment on in this post.

I was slightly irritated w/ the CoN movie, but I just reread the series over break (to prepare to see the movie) so I had it fresh in my mind. But come on... it's made totally clear that Lucy is "fair haired". Not a brunette.

7:15 AM  

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