Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Full Day

Yesterday was a full day on the training side of life. In the morning it was swimming and a lifting session. It had been awhile since I’ve lifted and I could tell. Because I’m not busy enough I figured I’d try and throw in a couple more workouts during the week. Mainly it’s to keep my end of the deal what I made with Nic. She’s going to make it to her yoga classes and I’m going to get to the gym to lift.

The weather was amazing yesterday with the temperature almost reaching 80. I went out for a 22 mile ride last night. It felt great to get out and ride and hammer on the pedals. I was a bit tired from the previous workouts so my average mphs were a bit down but there is plenty of time to build the legs back up. The trails were crowded with people because of the warm weather. Everyone came out to play last night. Plus I was only yelled at once by some old lady that I should be on the paths instead of the road. I was right behind her and her husband at a stoplight and I was temped to go up to her window and explain my legal right to be on the rode but I decided it wasn’t worth it. It was too nice of day so why bother with someone who doesn’t know any better.

I was supposed to run this morning but that didn’t happen. After the doubles on Sunday and Monday the body wasn’t allowing an early morning. It was determined to have that extra hour of sleep and there wasn’t much I could do about it. The body said sleep, so that’s what I did…


Blogger mouse said...

I get all excited when I get to be the first person to comment on people's posts. it's the little things in life that make me happy.

anyways. way to go on the lifting. I always feel like my training plan is more "complete" when it includes weight training. even if it does mean that I have DOMS the majority of the days of the week...

I was just thinking about morning workouts this morning, because I failed to get up [yet again] to get anything done. I seriously have no idea how i'm going to do it during the summer when I have to get up early to beat the heat. I'm going to have to set up wake up calls from all of the people that I know who will be up that early.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Kimmi said...

You missed a beautiful morning run. It was B-e-a-utiful outside. Even hill repeats seemed do-able. And the Rocky theme song I sang at the end sounded more in tune than usual :)

10:34 AM  
Blogger Trisaratops said...

Grrr! I hate it when rude people yell at me on the road. Cyclist hecklers suck. :) It's 70 here today--hitting the road after work! Soooooooo pumped!

11:35 AM  
Blogger Trisaratops said...

Grrr! I hate it when rude people yell at me on the road. Cyclist hecklers suck. :) It's 70 here today--hitting the road after work! Soooooooo pumped!

11:35 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

I'm so jealous of you jerks with nice weather!!! And way to give in to the sleep fairies :) I give in to them and the drinking fairies WAY too often! :)

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally just walked in the door from getting honked at by some woman who was upset i wasn't riding in the gravel on the side of the road. People suck.

2:26 PM  
Blogger Nic said...

What!!! You guys get yelled at on the bikes, too? Is that why you're so mean to the runners who are running on the trails?

Well, not you, but sometimes the bikers are SO MEAN to runners.

Good job getting your lifting in. I'm off to yoga...

7:29 PM  

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