Like many of you I’m back to the normal grind of everyday life after the long and relaxing weekend. I spent the majority of my time visiting with friends and family. I drove the very long 1:10 minute drive to my hometown for the holiday. We had above average weather which provided a few days to perfect fall weather. I took full advantage by getting back out into the country and trouncing through the woods. It was nice to have a few days just to go with the flow and not have to be anywhere at a particular time. Some true R&R.
Now it’s back to the daily grind and working for the man. We also started our efforts for the upcoming TNT season which will be starting in a matter of months. I guess I lucked out the first time as a coach because I wasn’t involved in all the prep work. I didn’t luck out this time as my calendar is already filling up with meetings and informational session. Plus I had to get CPR certified so if you are in need of a little CPR let me know. I can now save lives.
Take care folks…
Questions from
Kim1) Best blogger pal?
I’d have to say
Mouse. We’ve met up a couple of times and have had a ball. Plus we chat it up on a regular basis.
2) Favorite position?
I favor the bottom.
3) Best song/album to get you into the mood?
I’m not sure, but it most likely would be a soft, quiet, intimate mix or soundtrack. Soundtracks are usually a good way to go.
4) Have you snorted Ritalin?
I can’t say that I have.
5) Currently in love?
Yeah, I’ve fallen pretty hard and fast for Ms. R.
6) Who’s the hottest blogger ever?
I don’t know if this could ever be determined with all you lovely ladies out there.