My weekend was pretty full with things happening on both the training and social side. As much as I didn’t want to do a workout Friday after the work week finally ended, I did drag my ass to the pool. I think Friday afternoon workouts are about the hardest to get motivated for. The pool wasn’t too crowded so that was a plus. My swim was so-so, nothing special but I was there swimming and that’s what counts. Friday night was pretty chilled. We had some of the fellas over to hang out and watch a movie.
Shadoweyes is heading out to Oregon for the summer and he wanted a chilled night so that’s we had. Ya need to lay low from time to time.
Saturday morning came early as it always does. I have to admit that I moved my workout back a bit so I didn’t get started til around 9:30 vs. the normal 8:00 AM. On the agenda was a 12 miler to make sure I was ready for the ½ Marathon that I have coming up next weekend. Normally I would have preferred to do this run a week earlier, but it just didn’t work out that way. Oh well I hit lakes area Minneapolis which was busy as always. The sun was starting to come out behind the clouds when I started, and was in full view after only a couple of miles. It felt great to be running and my legs were feeling light. I listened to 1.5 episodes of Get Your Geek On podcast as I ran in the warm sunny weather. I even saw a few people I knew out of the trails. Overall I felt really good while I was running. I was getting a bit tired during the end, but that’s suppose to happen I guess. I finished off the 12 miles in 1:44 or 8:40 min/miles which I was happy with. It’s not my best nor worst time every. The important thing was that I felt good while I was running and I think next weekend will be a lot of fun. I guess that’s one of the benefits of just running a race to run it vs. to get a certain time or set a new PR.
After my run it was time to rest and recoup. I did spend some time on the couch just chilling and relaxing afterwards. My Saturday afternoon also comprised of the fun chores like laundry and cleanup the apartment. Oh the amounts of fun that were had. As the day progressed into evening it was time to head out for a little celebration. One of the fellas had received his MBA earlier in the day so it was time to go have a few. We met up in the Uptown area of Minneapolis. There we sampled a few establishments as well as a few cocktails. Being the responsible triathlete and driver, I had my two drinks (long island and a jaggie-bomb) before turning to the water for the remainder of the evening.
With a swim on Friday and run on Saturday, Sunday was a bike day.
SafetyBob organized a group ride for the team. The location was I ideal, because we started at a trail head so people could road bike, mountain bike, or trail run depending on their mood. I lead the road riding group while another bunch hit the trails on their mountain bikes. The ride was great once we kind of got through the city part of intersections and lights into some longer stretches of open road. We were a little pressed for time, so we only ended up doing 27.5 miles. I was hoping to do about 35, but that will wait til next time. After the ride
SafetyBob and his wife hosted us all over for dinner. The grill was full of brats and the glasses with beer. They also had plenty of fixings and other munchies. Of course after eating more then my fill they brought out the angel food cake, strawberries, and whip cream. Needless to say everyone left feeling satisfied, but tired after a good workout and a very nice meal. Thanks again